Hello Everyone, thank you for being here and taking the time to get to know me!
My name is Janan, and I am Palestinian-American and the creator, crafter and spirit behind 'The Spellbound Collection'.
I am originally from Los Angeles, CA (born & raised in the South Bay area), then I lived in Houston, TX for a while and now I am located in Queens, NY.
Why Candles?
Firstly, who doesn't love candles? But really, I felt this sense of bonding and potential when I started wanting to make candles. From the health reason standpoint I wanted to make something that isn't harmful to breathe in. As well as from an artistic standpoint I just felt all these different themes and ideas welling up; I couldn't ignore it any more.
I have been fiddling with crafts for as long as I can remember, I have always had this insatiable drive to create something new, to learn new hobbies and try new things. My ideas tend to come to me in waves of visions; some call impulsiveness just that, but I tend to forget the word 'impulsive' and call it 'inspired', because that's what these ideas feel like for me, inspiration, and then I 'follow the spiral' to wherever this craft may lead me (and yes, this is also my IG handle).
My purpose with 'The Spellbound Collection' is to eventually collaborate or have a subscription portion that is dedicated to supporting causes in need. I want to be able to create a portal to help others have something uniquely created either just for them or even just in general with the series I create. I want to open eyes to new ways of seeing things and help imaginations run freely. Living in the age where things are more instant and the world is at our fingertips through these various lenses; I want to contribute something positive to this world. Whether its helping personally (with tarot/oracle readings; please email me if you are interested) or in a general form; I want to make a positive impact in this world while I am here.